Downloading and Installing Library
There are many available java libraries on the internet. Many libraries can be downloaded using http protocol. The most concentrated places are the maven repositories. So a maven repository was used in this project -
Dialog with availible libraries can be shown using Tools|Install Maven's Library menu item from main menu. There are these components:
- left list - Category with similiar libraries
- center list - Libraries in selected Category
- right list - libraries which will be installed. A library should be removed or added using >> or << buttons
- library filter filter, shows only folders which contains libraries with matched string

Example of Usage
You want to download commons-collections.jar library. The commons-collections extends java.util standard collections library. Do these steps:- show library installation dialog using Tools|Install Maven's library menu item.
- add to Filter field "collection" string.
- select commons-collections item in Category list.
- select commonst-collections-3.1.jar item in Libraries list
- Click to >> button in order to add the selected library to Added Libraries List
- Clict to Ok button